Junior Member
To qualify for junior membership, children or Grandchildren of Active and Associate members must be under the age of sixteen (16) years. There shall be no dues collected for Junior Membership by the International and chapters shall be allowed to list such junior members on their rosters until age 16. At age 16, the junior member must switch membership and pay dues. A Junior Member shall not hold a Chapter Office or vote in Chapter affairs.
Associate Member
Associate membership shall be offered to a person who has been proposed, in writing, for such membership and accepted in good standing and, in the opinion of a majority of the Chapter’s Executive Board, has substantially contributed to the promotion of the Club for a minimum period of six (6) months. Final approval shall be by a majority vote of the Chapter members at a meeting held at the conclusion of the six-month (6) period. Associate members shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the Chapters Active Members. Once a member has been accepted as an Associate member and for various reasons no longer is able to ride a motorcycle they may, at the pleasure of the chapter majority retain his/her membership as an Associate member. Associate membership may also be available to any person who is an employee of a Fire department and not qualified for Active membership.